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Forensic Technician Svenja Björson 

Svenja was born and brought up in Sweden, where her father has a pharmacy. She was not interested in taking over the shop, and after her parents got divorced she and her mother (who is German) moved to Kiel. She studied chemistry there and intended to make a career in research. In fact, she only applied for a job with the Homicide Division when a friend suggested the idea. Svenja has an angelic face, which causes many people who encounter her at work to underestimate her. But her analytical skills, coupled with an almost precocious quick wit, have frequently stunned her colleagues. She has never had to exert herself unduly in order to do well in her profession, and she values her freedom more than her career.

The actress Li Hagman

Li Hagman was born in 1974 in Stockholm; her father was German and her mother Swedish. After finishing high school she lived in London for two years to perfect her English language. When she returned to Sweden she worked with the Pymetheater making puppets, building sets and performing on stage. At the same time she and two musicians founded a jazz trio. She later trained as a theatrical puppeteer in Bochum, after which she studied at the Folkwang School in Essen. Three years later, while attending the Munich Film School, she was discovered for the film project "Himmelbett". This was soon followed by more acting work in film and television, including appearances in the ZDF detective series "Wilsberg" and the American feature film "Boat Trip". Li Hagman has also made numerous stage appearances, mainly in Essen, Bielefeld and Lucerne. Today this versatile actress lives in Berlin.