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Prosecuting Attorney Lisa Sturm 

Lisa Sturm comes from a stable, middle-class background. Her father was a lawyer, while her mother is a journalist. After qualifying from law school she quickly made a name for herself as a prosecuting attorney in the Serious Crime Department. She ensures that her private life remains entirely private. She is fact-orientated and can be very tough, though she never fails to employ her charm if required. Her professional experience has taught her to put herself in the position of her opponent, and she uses this ability to outwit the criminals she encounters with great skill.

The actress Mariella Ahrens

Mariella Ahrens was born in Saint Petersburg in 1969 and studied acting and singing at the Fritz Kirchhoff School "Der Kreis". Her first theatrical engagements were in Berlin, quickly followed by appearances in film and television In the role of Elionore Schwarz in the daily soap opera "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten" ("Good Times, Bad Times") Mariella Ahrens got a taste for series work at an early age. Today this versatile actor defies categorisation, however: she is at home in television films, such as "Barbara Wood: Traumzeit", in cinema productions like "666 - Trau keinem, mit dem du schläfst!" and in well-known German TV series, including "OP ruft Dr. Bruckner" and "Der Landarzt".